Autism is frequently misdiagnosed, and is commonly misunderstood by people who are not specialists in this area.
“You can’t be Autistic, you make great eye contact.”
“You can’t be Autistic, you’re super social.”
“You can’t be Autistic, you have friends.””
“You can’t be Autistic, you have good hygiene.”
“You can’t be Autistic, you have excellent grades/you’re so smart. ”
“You can’t be Autistic, you have empathy.”
“You can’t be Autistic, you seem totally normal.”
“You can’t be Autistic, you were tested when you were a kid and they ruled it out.”
Autistic people:
make eye contact
manage personal hygiene
have friends
have jobs
have empathy
“seem normal”
are “social”
have long term
have sex
are often told they are “definitely not Autistic”
were not identified by schools, doctors, parents, and professionals
look like you and me.