“Autists are the ultimate square pegs, and the problem with pounding a square peg into a round hole is not that the hammering is hard work. It's that you're destroying the peg.”

-Paul Collins

Neurodiverse Love Podcast

During this episode I talk with another AANE Certified Therapist, Kory Chase, LCSW.   Kory shares a little bit about her family history with neurodiversity and the journey she was on to find a professional she could trust to conduct an autism assessment for her daughter. During this journey, Kory took a deep dive into gaining more understanding about autistic females, so she could better understand how to support and parent her daughter. We also talk about how to communicate about neurodiversity with other family members and the strength based suggestions she has.  In addition, we discuss a lot of other very important topics including:

Trusting and believing when someone shares they are autistic and asking "what is the cost of me believing what I am being told"?
That autistic individuals are often misdiagnosed many times before getting the correct diagnosis. The importance and value of a diagnosis, or self-identification, and that this is SO much bigger then the DSM! How it may feel after finally getting the correct assessment.

The value and importance of psycho-education and defining and understanding what success and connection look like to each partner in a neurodiverse relationship. Understanding how your partner processes hard things and accepting that some things are not intentional.

Neurodiverse couples can become "Power Couples" when they recognize how differences can enhance their relationship.
Defining & understanding "Emotional Connection" and understanding each others love languages.
Importance of knowing & understanding "expectations".
Finding overlapping interests. The role of solitude in creating calm.
Differences in sex, physical intimacy and relationship dynamics.
Rules in the beginning of a relationship and how they change over time.

The impact of understanding intimacy through the lens of movies and porn and the impact of changing sensory sensitivities.
The best thing we can do is ask questions and find people that understand and get us!

Self Magazine Article

5 Subtle but Common Signs of Autism in Adults

Collab with Communication Coach, Katie Binger

Considering Neurodiversity in Effective Communication